Free Advanced Excel Course at YouTube

Join Free class from excelisfun at YouTube:
Learn Advanced Excel from the world-renowned Excel Educator, Mike Girvin, Microsoft Excel MVP and Highline College Professor. 30 videos, 18 hours, free notes, Excel files and homework problems make this the #1 Free Online Advanced Excel Class in the world. This class uses the amazing new YouTube Learning Playlist structure.
Topics in Class:
1. Data, Formulas & Data Analysis Fundamentals
2. Intro To Power Query & Power Pivot
3. References in Excel
4. Array Formulas
5. Conditional Calculations with SUMIFS, COUNTIFS & More
6. Date & Text Formulas
7. Data Validation
8. Lookup Formulas, VLOOKUP, INDEX & More
9. Visualizations: Charts & Conditional Formatting
10. Data Analysis in the Excel Worksheet
11. Big Data Analysis with Power Pivot & Power BI
12. Finance Calculations
13. Excel Macros

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Thanks for sharing this, you are awesome !